The administration of Hill.Money reminds users that owning digital money and carrying out transactions with them always implies the risk of possible loss of personal finances. You need to know that exchanging, storing, investing in digital assets is always at risk of losing money, which is due to the strong volatility of the value of digital assets. On the territory of the Russian Federation, operations with cryptocurrency are currently not regulated by laws. You also need to remember that transactions with digital financial assets may be associated with other risks that this agreement does not provide for.

1. General Provisions

This Agreement is concluded in order to regulate the relationship between the Service (Hill.Money) and the Client. When registering an account on the site, the Client agrees that he has read and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, as well as the terms of the Privacy Policy . The Client will not be able to use the site if he does not agree with the terms of this Agreement.

2. Criteria to be met by the Client

2.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Client agrees and confirms that he has reached the age, in accordance with applicable law, under which he can accept the terms of the Service, and that the use of the Service has not been suspended or blocked before.

2.2. The Service will not be used by the Client as a legal entity.

3. Terms and definitions used

Service is an Internet resource that allows you to exchange digital and electronic currencies.

Client – an individual who uses the services of the Service.

Digital currency is all types of currencies that are based on the use of blockchain technology.

Electronic currency - money on user accounts in electronic payment systems.

A payment system is a software and hardware product developed by a third party. Its task is to take into account monetary obligations, organize mutual settlements between users who are registered.

Service Services - assistance in conducting p2p transactions that individuals perform when exchanging digital money, other services that can be found on the Service.

Payment - the transfer of digital or fiat money from one Client to another or from the Client to the Service and vice versa.

The application shows the desire of the Client to receive the service of the Service by filling out an electronic form on the website of the Service. At the same time, he agrees with the conditions that this Agreement contains, and the parameters of this Application.

Card verification is the process by which it is checked whether the card or account is actually the property of the person who indicated it. The conditions under which the verification is carried out are established by the Service. This process is one-time, it is subject to each new account or card of the Client.

Rate - the ratio of the cost of two digital currencies when an exchange operation is performed.

4. Requirements for using an account on the Service

4.1. Services of the Service are concluded for personal use. When registering on the site, the Client agrees that reliable data will be transferred to the Service in accordance with the registration procedure. The Client also agrees that he will not create another account and try to gain unauthorized access to the accounts of other clients of the Service.

4.2. The Service may carry out additional checks of the Client"s personal data, make requests for the provision of the required documents and exchange data in order to confirm the information provided. If the conditions for providing documents or data are not met, the Service may refuse to provide services, return funds to the Client"s account in accordance with the current regulations.

4.3. The Service may suspend the exchange operation and withhold the Client"s finances in order to prevent fraud and other illegal actions due to which the Service or the Client may suffer financial losses or lose good reputation, for the period during which the investigation will be carried out, and the issuing bank or payment the gateway will provide details of the transaction.

4.4. The Client acknowledges that he is responsible for ensuring that the account information, activities and transactions in it remain confidential. It is important to understand that with open access to registration information, there is a risk of access to it by a third party. As a result, it is possible to lose or steal finances not only from the account, but also from bank accounts and credit cards.

4.5. The Client"s account can only be used for personal purposes, access by third parties is prohibited. Full responsibility for all actions or omissions of any third party using the account lies with the Client.

4.6. The Client agrees that the Service will not be used for fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and other illegal operations. If the Service detects that the activity of the account is suspicious, the operations are illegal or the activity is prohibited, the Client"s account is blocked, any outstanding payments are blocked, and subsequent operations are rejected.

5. Services provided by the Service

5.1. In order to use the services of the Service, the Client sends an Application through the website.

5.2. When using the services of the Service, the Client confirms that the fiat money, electronic or digital currency involved in the transaction belongs to him legally.

5.3. Using the Service, the Client can exchange electronic, digital, fiat money.

5.4. If the Client fills out an Application, he gives an order, and the Service, on its own behalf and at the expense of the Client, exchanges and transfers funds to another user of the Service.

5.5. The Service is obliged to transfer funds within the regulated time (depending on the direction of the exchange) from the moment when the money is received from the Client and in the amount specified in his Application, to the details specified by the Client, unless force majeure occurs.

5.6. The Service has the right to cancel the Exchange Request created by the Client in case of non-receipt of payment to the specified account of the Service within 20 minutes after its creation.

5.7. The Service has fulfilled its obligations to transfer the money received from the Client when they are debited in the relevant Payment System from the Service"s account (registration in the history of the Payment System"s operations).

5.8. The service makes every effort to ensure that users of the resource have access to services 24/7. But the administration of the Service may suspend the use of the site for maintenance, of which users are notified in advance.

5.9. When carrying out exchange operations, where cryptocurrency is used as the initial currency, the exchange rate is reviewed every 5 minutes. If the exchange rate has changed by no more than 0.5%, then the Service guarantees the fixing of the exchange rate. The exchange rate in exchange transactions, where the initial currency is money, the system recalculates every 5 minutes until the Service partner accepts the finance upon the fact.

5.10. If the Client"s finances are received after the time allotted by the regulations has ended, then the exchange rate for the Application is recalculated in accordance with the exchange rate at the time the payment was received.

5.11. When the Client pays for the Application within 20 minutes from the moment of filling out the Application, if the amount received on the Service account is less or more than the amount indicated in the Application, the exchange rate is recalculated in accordance with the exchange rate at the time the payment was received.

5.12. If, during the payment by the Client of the Application, such circumstances arose that a refusal of the exchange is required, but the Application has not yet been executed by the Service, then the percentage of the amount, the commission and the exchange rate difference are deducted when the funds are returned. If the Application is executed, no claims of a financial nature will be accepted.

5.13. If the Client"s card is blacklisted by the Security Service of the payment system and he tries to transfer funds to it, this account is blocked. The Service has the right not to refund money to the Client.

5.14. Payment of the amount under the Application is carried out through the payment form on the site, which appears when you click on "Confirm". It is unacceptable to make a payment simply using the details of the Service.

5.15. For cash transactions, the Service may not use the terms of the affiliate program.

5.16. Funds are credited to bank cards during different times (up to 5 business days), but, as a rule, this happens instantly. Payment can be made in several payments.

5.17. If for some reason there was a technical failure in the operation of the Service, then it may refuse the Client to fulfill the terms of this agreement, return the money to the Client"s account in full.

5.18. In cases where the amount sent by the Client in cryptocurrency is less than 0.001 (equivalent), the Service may not return it to the Client"s account.

5.19. If the verification of payments by a special service showed that the risk is more than 50%, then the cryptocurrency is sent from the Dark or Hydra-market, and if the funds are fraudulent, then they can be blocked for up to 6 months. The Service may request supporting documents from the Client. Only when the investigation is carried out, the money can be returned to the Client. However, the transfer fee is deducted from this amount.

5.20 In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for clause 9.10

6. Rights and level of responsibility of the Service and the Client

6.1. The amount of financial responsibility of the Service to the Client is the amount of an electronic asset or funds that the latter transferred to the Service to provide the exchange service on the Application.

6.2. The Service is not liable to the Client for losses of a financial nature if they arose due to illegal, unpredictable or unavoidable actions of a third party.

6.3. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided during registration on the site falls on the Client. When entering incorrect personal data or providing false information, the Service is not responsible for any losses of the Client that arise due to this.

6.4. A letter is sent to the Client"s email address, where the date, time, details, rate, exchange amount are confirmed before the Service starts its execution. This is done in order for the Client to check the correctness of filling out the Application. If the client has confirmed and paid the amount of the Application, the Service automatically executes it in accordance with the rate indicated in the letter. If the Client incorrectly indicated the e-mail address, then clause 5.3 applies.

6.5. The Client can make any changes to the Application only if he sends a request from the e-mail that he indicated when registering on the Service.

6.6. If the application is delayed or not completed due to an error on the part of the bank or other Payment system that the Client indicated in the Application, the Service is not responsible for this. The client agrees that all claims regarding this will be sent to the bank or payment system. The service will help you file a complaint or claim against a bank or other payment system.

6.7. If it is revealed that the Client directly or indirectly affects the normal operation of the Service program, then the execution of the application is suspended. For funds that have already been received, the parameters specified in the Application are recalculated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. If the Client does not agree with this, then the funds will be returned to the Client"s account from which they were received.

6.8. If the Client partially or completely does not comply with the terms of this Agreement and this is not a consequence of force majeure circumstances that cannot be avoided, the Service is not responsible for this.

6.9. The services of the Service do not include the collection of funds, payment for goods or services provided by other providers.

6.10. The Service may request that the Client provide additional information and documents in order to pass verification.

6.11. In case of sending money by the Client from another card or account after the bank card has been verified, in order to avoid a direct transaction using services provided by third parties, the Service may:

- unilaterally terminate this Agreement;

- return the Client"s funds to the account from which they were received;

- withhold 20% of the amount received as compensation to the Service.

6.12. The Service may refuse to exchange funds to the Client if they were transferred to the details of the Service without filling out the Application properly. If electronic money was transferred to the account of the Service without an Application, then a refund is possible to the account of the Client on the basis of his request. In this case, the payment system commission will be deducted from the amount.

6.13. The Service stores data about the client, his account and details of the exchange operations carried out on its server, they cannot be deleted.

6.14. The Service can respond to the Client"s requests within 5 working days, which are counted from the date when the request was received from the Client.

6.15. The Service is not a tax agent, therefore, its duties do not include notifying the Client about tax payments. The obligations of the Client include the independent payment of all tax payments provided for by the tax legislation of the country where he lives.

6.16. If the authorities require the Service to pay the Client"s taxes or cover debts due to the Client"s refusal to pay them, the Client agrees to reimburse these costs of the Service.

7. Unforeseen circumstances

If, in the event of any force majeure circumstances, there is a delay in fulfillment or it is impossible to fulfill the terms of this agreement by both the Service and the Client, then this will not be considered a violation of this Agreement. Neither the Service nor the Client can claim any loss or damage due to these circumstances.

8. End positions

8.1. The terms of this Agreement between the Client and the Service are agreed in electronic form when the Client goes through the registration procedure on the site. An agreement that contains terms and conditions and is published in electronic form has the same legal force as a paper document.

8.2. The Service may unilaterally change this Agreement by publishing the changes on the site. These changes begin to take effect from the moment they are published on the website (with the exception of cases when the effective date is determined additionally when they are published). The Client may terminate the Agreement with the Service if he does not agree with the changes made to the terms of service. The Client must send an email to the Service, where he must indicate his disagreement with the new conditions.

8.3. The Service can send letters to the e-mail address specified by the Client, notifying about the status of the exchange operation and indicating other information, including advertising. If the Client does not need it, then he should unsubscribe from the distribution of advertising.

8.4. All content of the Service"s website is its property, which is protected by applicable copyright laws.

8.5. In case of violation of the current rules of the Service, the administration may refuse to provide services to the Client.

8.6. The Client confirms that he has studied all the provisions of this Agreement and accepts them in full.

9. Features of personal identification

9.1. In order to be able to use the services provided by the Service, the Client must necessarily pass the identification of his personality.

9.2. For the identification procedure, the Service may request the following data: the Client"s full name, information about citizenship, date and place of birth, passport data and information about registration and place of residence at the moment, contact information, photos of internal and foreign passports. It is also required to take a selfie with an identity document.

9.3. The Service may also give a request to the Client for other formats of personal data that it deems necessary in order to fully identify the Client.

9.4. All documents and data provided by the Client to the Service will be used to verify the identity of the Client. This is done in order to reveal such facts: money laundering, financing of terrorist activities, fraudulent transactions, as well as other offenses of a financial nature, for which the functions and resources of the Service are used.

9.5. When collecting, using and transferring data about the Client, the Service acts in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

9.6. The Client agrees that during the entire period while he is active on the Service and within 5 years after closing the account, in accordance with international data storage standards, the Service will keep a record of all information that he provided.

9.7. If the Client passes the identification of the person, then he himself must ensure that the personal data is up-to-date, update them and make adjustments if they change. You can do this through your account or by contacting the administration of the Service. If the Service considers that the Client"s data is outdated, changed, inaccurate, incomplete, untruthful, it may act as provided for in this Agreement.

9.8. In the absence of communication between the Service and the Client through the contacts that the latter provided during registration, full responsibility for losses and expenses arising from the exchange operation lies with the Client. It is the Client who is responsible for the fact that personal information must be reliable, accurate, up-to-date.

9.9. All wallet addresses to which payments are made by the Service are subjected to automatic AML verification.

9.10. When linking the Client"s wallet address with Darknet Marketplace, Darknet Service, Fraudulent Exchange, Illegal Service, Mixing Service, Ransom, Scam, Stolen Coins, the Service may request verification. If such a connection is detected, the Service returns the Client"s funds to the sender"s details (minus a commission of 10%).